NBN has been improving their services, but what does it mean for their Small Business Market? Use these 7 points to get the conversation started and see if NBN is right for you.
As a business-focused Telecommunications company we were sceptical at first about the NBN for businesses.
It had reliability issues and the speeds were just ok, but not as great as it was initially promised.
Now, more and more we are seeing a shift in NBN Co.’s attitude, from a defensive and dismissive pose, to acknowledging its short-comings AND doing something about it, like:
– Pausing the roll-out of NBN HFC (Hybrid fibre-coaxial). And spending 6 months to undertake considerable work, ensuring a better network performance and stability.
– Increasing the availability of FTTC (Fibre to the Curb), which decreases the possible issues by using less Copper lines.
At this point it is looks like NBN Co. is adamant about improving its public image and things are looking up.
However, NBN is not for everyone, so have the following things in mind before talking to the professionals.
7 things to consider if NBN is right for your business:
– Number of staff using SIP phones/working online (at the same time).
– The average number of people on WiFi.
– How many phones do you have in the office? What type of phones? Traditional or SIP phones.
– Which software or online applications do you use? some take more bandwidth than other to run.
– Do you Upload or Download big files often, such as HD Videos?
– Do you use Fax, EFTPOS Machines or Security Systems? If yes, which?
Depending on your answer to those, NBN can be the best thing for your business.
Don’t wait until NBN is here to understand it!
Contact Us HERE to know if NBN is right for you.
HIPCOM… We Make Technology Work… for You.